




academia (3 posts)
activism (2 posts)
allometry (1 post)
Bayesian-statistics (1 post)
climate-change (2 posts)
code (2 posts)
communication (1 post)
conservation (2 posts)
coral-bleaching (2 posts)
coral-reefs (2 posts)
culture (2 posts)
data-management (1 post)
ecology (1 post)
evolution (1 post)
France (1 post)
help-wanted (1 post)
immunology (1 post)
language (2 posts)
leadership (2 posts)
modeling (1 post)
new-results (1 post)
personal-philosophy (2 posts)
photo-annotation (1 post)
photography (1 post)
phylogenetic-statistics (1 post)
policy (2 posts)
publications (1 post)
spatial-statistics (1 post)
Stan (1 post)
statistics (2 posts)
transcriptomics (1 post)
vegetarianism (2 posts)
web-development (1 post)

All posts (chronological)

  • Ooh, Shiny!

    I finally returned to The Cnidae Gritty because I found a groove with Shiny app development again!

    Since my postdoc in France, I’ve been wanting to improve a barebones photo annotation script that I created there.

  • Trust Science!

    Trust the science?

    Trust the scientists?

    Trust {the |}scien{ce|tists}!

    Ahh. That’s safe.

    Wait, what science? Or which scientists?

  • Pseudoquasivegetarianism

    2016 was a pivotal year for me.

    For the past four years, I had been traveling the world and studying coral reefs from every region. I was becoming an expert on their evolution and their interactions with various microbes. I knew these ecosystems had been in decline for decades, that climate change was a major threat, and that some people had claimed that eating meat and flying in airplanes were major contributors to climate change.

  • Big guys shout 'merde!' louder

    New preprint!

    Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic responses in larger primates

    I am happy to report that a paper I’ve been working on for a long time is finally available

  • Maybe it doesn't Matern

    Calling all bored and crazy Stan coders. I need a long term coding partner.

    I’ve been doing a lot of completely solo work for a couple years now, and you can guess the result. I have a couple of really awesome models that I am proud of, and yet they’re (1) not quite what I want, (2) probably way more complicated and messy than necessary, and (3) sitting there, waiting for me to figure out how to be a real modeler and justify them.

  • merdemicrobes

    When I started my first blog, I initially used this title for it. I had recently begun working in French Polynesia, was helping a French postdoc, and was interested in learning the language, and I thought, “‘Sea of Microbes’ in French, that’s nice.” I created the page and started working on the blog. And then that French postdoc saw the url: ‘merdemicrobes’.