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  • Ooh, Shiny!

    I finally returned to The Cnidae Gritty because I found a groove with Shiny app development again!

    Since my postdoc in France, I’ve been wanting to improve a barebones photo annotation script that I created there.

  • Trust Science!

    Trust the science?

    Trust the scientists?

    Trust {the |}scien{ce|tists}!

    Ahh. That’s safe.

    Wait, what science? Or which scientists?

  • Pseudoquasivegetarianism

    2016 was a pivotal year for me.

    For the past four years, I had been traveling the world and studying coral reefs from every region. I was becoming an expert on their evolution and their interactions with various microbes. I knew these ecosystems had been in decline for decades, that climate change was a major threat, and that some people had claimed that eating meat and flying in airplanes were major contributors to climate change.

  • Big guys shout 'merde!' louder

    New preprint!

    Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic responses in larger primates

    I am happy to report that a paper I’ve been working on for a long time is finally available

  • Maybe it doesn't Matern

    Calling all bored and crazy Stan coders. I need a long term coding partner.

    I’ve been doing a lot of completely solo work for a couple years now, and you can guess the result. I have a couple of really awesome models that I am proud of, and yet they’re (1) not quite what I want, (2) probably way more complicated and messy than necessary, and (3) sitting there, waiting for me to figure out how to be a real modeler and justify them.

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Ryan's most recent taxonomic discoveries

(observations of taxa that he'd never before uploaded)

Camponotus inaequalis


ID confirmed

Rhadinaea flavilata

Pine Woods Littersnake


ID confirmed

Bulbostylis barbata



Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Euphorbia hyssopifolia

hyssop spurge


ID confirmed

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Bald Eagle


Ischnura posita

Fragile Forktail


ID confirmed

Verbena bracteata

Bigbract Verbena


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Agropyron cristatum

Crested Wheatgrass


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Mirabilis linearis

Narrowleaf Four o'Clock


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Balsamorhiza sagittata

arrowleaf balsamroot


ID confirmed

Castilleja linariifolia

Wyoming Paintbrush


ID confirmed

Heliomeris multiflora

showy goldeneye


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Ceanothus fendleri

Fendler's ceanothus


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Packera neomexicana

New Mexico groundsel


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Pinus longaeva

Great Basin bristlecone pine


ID confirmed

Stephanomeria tenuifolia

narrow-leaved wirelettuce


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Ericameria parryi

Parry's Goldenbush


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Packera multilobata

Lobeleaf Groundsel


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Symphoricarpos rotundifolius

Roundleaf Snowberry


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Frasera speciosa

monument plant


Help me confirm this ID or suggest another!

Ryan recently finished reading:

Parent Effectiveness Training

Gordon Staff

Finished July 11, 2024

4 stars



Finished July 11, 2024

4 stars

El león, la bruja y el ropero

C. S. Lewis

Finished March 2, 2024

4 stars


Ted Chiang

Finished June 26, 2023

5 stars

East of Eden

John Steinbeck

Finished June 11, 2023

4 stars

Erased: the untold story of the Panama Canal

Marixa Lasso

Finished June 4, 2023

4 stars

Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand

Finished Jan. 2, 2023

1 star

Unconquered People: Florida's Seminole and Miccosukee Indians

Brent R. Weisman

Finished Dec. 28, 2022

4 stars


Lauren Groff

Finished Oct. 15, 2022

4 stars

A Long Walk to Freedom

Nelson Mandela

Finished Sept. 30, 2022

4 stars

...and is currently reading:

Le lion, la sorcière blanche et l'armoire magique

C. S. Lewis

The Divine Comedy

Dante Alighieri

Blood Struggle

Charles F. Wilkinson

The Once and Future King

T. H. White

Coral Whisperers

Irus Braverman

The Last Resort

Sarah Stodola

Asimov's Guide to the Bible

Isaac Asimov